Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What about the Teen Dads?

So...what about the teen dads? What about those who actually stuck around and put their life on hold to help raise a baby?

Well, I have not forgotten about them. It may look like this site is only dedicated to mothers...but I support all those teen dads out there 100% who put their life on hold and were there for their child since day one. I have upmost respect for them and credit all of them because it takes a MAN to step up to something like that.

I have helped and guided many dads to the right paths with raising their child. I have given advice, because we all know how scary it could be! Everytime I hear a new story about a new dad who has tried so hard to be their for their child...who has done everything possible to give their child a good eyes literally tear up. I wish every guy thought like that, I wish every guy could man up to their responsibilities.

Unfortunately, as we all know, too many 'boys' run off the second they hear a baby is coming. For instance, my daughter's father, he took off and I never heard from him when I was three months pregnant. Three years later when he suddenly got a letter to go to court for child support, he all of a sudden flipped a 360 and wanted to be in my daughters life and get 50/50 for her. I wasn't having it. No way was this guy going to come up out of nowhere and take my daughter from me. A girl he didn't even know.

We went through such a battle in court, and in the end all he won was visitation rights.

I have a friend who has a little boy, he had to leave the army to come raise his son when he was just a few months old because his mother had abandoned him. I admire this guy to the fullest...he is the true definition of a father...a man and I give him all my respect. He's not a teen...but he has faced many obstacles and has come out of them and has raised a perfect, smart and healthy little boy.

I dont think people give those dads out there who are actually there for their children enough credit.

I have finally found myself a real MAN and I could say that proudly. I could not have asked for more than having my sons father in our life. Sure, we had our ups and downs and he had that 'new dad fear' but soon came out of it and he's a GREAT father and I admire him and I can't help but fall in love all over again with him whenever I see him with our son.

I really wish there were more resources out there for teen dads...and even single dads! My friend is a single dad and it's sad because society's main focus is on teen moms or single moms and I wish they could open up their eyes and realize that there's dads out there playing the mom role. Dads who took on the responsibility as the mother/father for a child that their mother abandoned or who just couldn't grow up and face the responsibility of parenthood.

If there's any dads out there who could use more resources or support or additional information, feel free to e-mail me. I may not be a professional or have all the information you need, but I will try my hardest to help you out because I could only imagine what shoes you are in.

To all the REAL DADDIES out there...let's stand up and clap our hands for them!!


Anonymous said...

My boyfriend is 5 years older than me so he was not a teen when our daughter was born. But we had only been together for 2 months when we found out I was pregnant. He could have easily denied paternity and put me through hell...but he didnt. He sucked it up and took it like a man. He has taken 100% care of me and her from day 1. He provides us a home and food and all the things we need. He even supported me without question when I wanted to be a SAHM for the first year.

So, my point is that a good Dad will support his family under any circumstance, and at any age. And THAT is a real man. I am feel so lucky to have found a man like that!

Hygeia Halfmoon said...

People are led to believe they are putting their life on hold to raise children when hindsight proves that raising children is what brings on life's true flow.

Grace said...

I agree with Hygeia. I was just about to leave a comment of the same nature when I saw hers.

Nothing about my life is on hold. I am living my life and loving it. Our little daughter does nothing but ENHANCE the life of her father and me.

Anonymous said...

Another scenario to add to yours: when a woman dies and leaves the father of the baby to raise the child. My cousin is with a man now whose fiancee died one week after the birth of her baby due to malpractice. She came into their lives when her daughter was eight months, now she is mommy to a cute 17 month old. Anyway, her man had to take care of a newborn and support her with very little support from anyone, his parents worked and hers were uninterested.

Jeremy said...


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