Friday, May 22, 2009

Think You May Be Pregnant?

Everyone's body is different, and so everyone's body will react differently to pregnancy. The first biggest sign though is a missed period. Since I was always pretty regular with my period, once I was passed two days late with my period I knew something had to be up. I wasn't quite feeling the morning sickness or any of the other symptoms and so I tried to brush it aside. Being stressed out may also delay your period, so I thought it was possible that I was just stressing myself out thinking that I was pregnant.

Two weeks later is when I took the pregnancy test and it had come out positive. So, my next step was going to Planned Parenthood to get another pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy. Sure enough, I really was pregnant and was 5 weeks and 3 days.

Some people actually get implantation bleeding when the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. This happens in the very early stage of pregnancy and some woman experience spotting which could be easily mistaken as a period. This is why it is important to keep track of your periods and whether or not they were regular or not.

Feeling tired? Well, when I was pregnant...this most definitely was one of the biggest symptoms of all! I always felt like I had just ran a marathon race. I was always tired and felt like falling asleep any chance that I got. Many woman experience fatigue/tiredness during pregnancy, especially during the earlier stages. Your body may feel weak and you will have absolutely no energy or motivation to do anything and all you could think about is that dear 'ol bed of yours. Oh, how I loved my bed when I was pregnant!

Gotta go, gotta go...make room for the bathroom! Usually in the first trimester of pregnancy, woman experience frequent urination. Oh gosh what a pain in the butt that was, always rushing to the bathroom and feeling like I was going to pee myself if I didn't make it in time. I felt I had absolutely no control of my bladder when I was pregnant. When I had to go, I had to go! Frequent urination could also be a urinary tract infection so its always good to check in with your doctor just in case.

Morning sickness! Why do they call it 'morning sickness' when it just feels like your sick all day long? Having nausea and vomiting is also another big symptom in pregnancy. I would like to describe it that it feels like a stomach flu that just lasts weeks or even months! Some people will feel sick just by smelling a certain smell, others just cant eat because they feel they're going to gag the second they see food. It's also common to loose weight in the beginning of pregnancy due to morning sickness. With my daughter I lost almost 10 pounds in the beginning! But, as long as you gain all that weight back in the end then you should be OK.

Having an increase in vaginal discharge? I know it's not the nicest subject in the world, but hey its also associated with pregnancy in most woman! It's pretty gross I must admit, and for me, I definitely was having a lot of it during pregnancy. This started for me in the very beginning. So, if your pregnant, its good to have some extra pantie liners in your purse. Normal vaginal discharge is usually clear or a milky color, but if your getting brownish discharge or another different color and it has a strong odor to it, definitely go see your doctor as it could be an infection.

Swollen/tender breasts. I actually was one of the few that did not have this symptom during my pregnancy with my daughter. But, if you have been extra sensitive to your breast do note that this is a symptom of pregnancy. You may also notice a darker areola which is the area around your nipple.

Other symptoms are also moodiness, irritability, headaches, lower back ache and food cravings.

Food cravings didn't come to me until very late in pregnancy. I was always craving weird things. It's not always the pickles and ice cream for every woman. For me it was sliced tomatoes with salt and lemon. Something I usually wouldn't eat, but hey I loved it when I was pregnant!

If you are having one or more of these signs/symptoms, you should definitely take a home pregnancy test and go to a clinic to get tested. There are tons of clinics out there that offer free pregnancy testing for teens or low-income families. You should do a search in your area. I was able to get my free pregnancy test at Planned Parenthood.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly many pregnancy symptoms mimic PMS symptoms...fatigue, bloating, sore breasts, mood swings, etc. So it is easy to blow it off as "Oh I am about to start my period!" I definietly thought that over and over. That is why I was almost 8 weeks before I to an HPT! I was way late for my period but because a lot of my symptoms were PMS-like I ignored it. When I started feeling the morning sickness that is what finally triggered the thought that I was pregnant. So, my point is that if you have the symptoms and are late...TAKE THE TEST! The sooner you know you are pregnant, the better care you can take of yourself and your unborn child. But also know that just because the symptoms are there, doesnt mean there is a baby. So the test is the only way to ease your mind and know!

Anonymous said...

Hi... um Mayra,
if you are reading this PLEASE help me i am thirteen, and i thimk i am pregnant. I know it sounds like i am really iresponsible, but usually i am really mature and stuff, i don't know what happened. I am having almost all the signs of pregnancy except morning sickness(all though i have been nauseus) and one other... i haven't gotten my 1st period yet... all though i looked it up and theres a possibility to get pregnant on your 1st. I am 13 so its not like i can drive (to get a test) and i couldn't sneak one while were at the store cause my parents pretty protective. I know i should tell my mom but i am worried that she will laugh beecause she wouldn't believe it so i don't want to tell her if i turn out being wrong.
I know i sound really imature but i admire you after reading your story and stuff and there fore i feel kinda like i can trust you please reply soon! :),
13 and possibly pregnant :)

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