Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Message To All Teen Moms

This is just a little something I wrote to motivate all those young mommies and to continue doing what they're doing...because we are doing a great job!


This goes out to all the Teen Mommies...to the girls who people have doubted. The ones they talked about and laughed about. The ones who they would stare at and whisper behind their backs.
To the girls who had to wake up early each morning to go to school. The ones that, no matter how hard it was, they never gave up. The ones who kept their head held high regardless of the gossips and the rumors. The ones who disregarded those who had no faith in them.
The ones who attended their prenatal appointments alone because no one was there to support them. To the ones who's parents kicked them about because "they will not let you live there with a baby". To the ones who's child's father cheated on you while you lay there pregnant with their child, and in the end decided they wouldn't be there in your life or your child's life.
To the ones who made sure to be the one first in line to receive Cash Aid..WIC...Welfare because no matter what, you were going to try to give this child the best life. To the ones who watched their child for the first time at the ultrasound and cried, not because you were afraid, but because you knew you would love this child endlesslesly.
To the girls who weren't on the right path in life, but with pregnancy it made them a whole new person. The ones who promised yourselfes you'll never go down that road again.
To the ones who hid their pregnancy with the baggy clothes and overalls, but at the end of the night would lay in their bed at night and rub their belly and cry.
To the girls who would pass the baby section at the mall and admire all the cute little outfits and only wish your child could have 'just that cute little one', but would deal with the hand me downs and not complain.
To the ones who people continuously would tell that they were 'just too young' and would not make responsible parents...but proved them wrong. To the ones who gave birth to an un-healthy baby and demanded every possible test to be given to your child. To the ones who had healthy babies and only prayed to God nothing would ever go wrong with their child. To the ones who only got to see their child for a short time after birth. This is to you.
For laying awake every night and checking on that child just 'to see if all was OK'. To the ones who panicked if your child didnt move within 2 minutes. To the ones who would lay there and just watch them sleep and go on and on about how important they are to you. To the ones who would hold their child and wish they never had to put them down. To the ones who managed a crying child in one hand and a pen in the other while doing homework at 2 a.m.
To the ones who raised their child on their own...and to the ones who had their child's father beside them the whole time.
To the ones who followed their babies every move just to make sure they didn't bump, fall or bruise themselves. To the ones who cried as their child got their very first shots, because admittingly, it hurt you so much more than it hurt your child.
To the ones who managed a colicky baby who cried for hours endlessly, but still at the end of the day, be able to tell yourself that you loved that child more than the world itself. To the ones who had to sit their and hear their friends brag about what a great Friday night they had and how they "wished you could've been there...", and you think about how that Friday night you were up with a sick baby.
To the ones who's friends decided that having a teen mom as a friend just wasn't 'cool' and stopped calling. To the ones who's best friend promised to be there for you, but only for you to realize that sometimes best friends do break promises.
For the ones who managed temper tantrums through a toddler, and the ones who had to force feed their one year old who refused to eat.
To the girls who watched their 'baby' grow up and realize they werent a 'baby' anymore and cried....to the ones who graduated and walked the stage. To the ones who applied at every job and every college. To the ones who continue to prove everyone wrong.
This is for the girls who never gave up, that despite all the negativity this world has towards us, you kept your head held high and disregarded the comments. To the ones who love their child more than anyone else on this planet...and would kill and die for them.
For the ones who continue to struggle but deep down you know one day all will be just OK.
To the ones who have already came out of the deep holes and are living the 'perfect life'. Remember, we may be young, but that doesn't make us any more of a less better parent or any less responsible. That doesn't mean we cant give our child a great life and that we will never be something one day. We've proved the negative people wrong...and we could keep proving them wrong. Don't let the people's doubts about us get into your head...keep holding strong and remember that we are more than what people make of us. =)

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